
The deadline to receive the application is May 17, 2024.

The number of participants is limited. The level required for students: last year master or first years PhD thesis. Outstanding students from the first year master are also allowed to submit applications.

The selection of the participants will be made by the Program Committee and participants will be informed of the outcome of their application at the beginning of June 2024. In case the accepted number of participants does not reach the limit, the application deadline may be extended.

In case you need a visa to enter in Poland, we strongly advise you to apply before the end of May in order to take into  account the related administrative delays

The fees are 450 €. They include the lodging, meals and coffee breaks from July 11 evening to July 20 morning.

Please, fill out the application form below and send to catherine email the following information:

– 1 CV (1 page)
– 1 motivation letter (1 page)
– Names of two people that can provide references

Some limited support is available. If you would like to participate in the school but cannot afford the fee, do not hesitate to contact Catherine Bourge

Important information:

The tradition of TESHEP is to have a students’ conference at the end of the school. Students should arrive with prepared 5-minutes presentations on the subject they are currently working on or are planning to work on. Prior to the conference, during dedicated sessions, the professors will discuss the presentations with the students and suggest improvements to ensure the highest possible quality of each talk.

The subject of the presentation should be clearly stated and explained with few sentences in the registration form below.

Registration form

Will you bring your laptop ?